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“"I didn’t become an EMT to have a front-row seat to other people’s tragedies. I did it because I knew the world was bleeding and so was I, and somewhere deep down inside I knew the only way to stop my bleeding was to learn how to stop someone else’s.” This is a quote by Daniel Jose Older that has deeply touched me. I aim to fulfill my two passions: medicine and humanitarianism. I started my EMS career at FLVAC in 2018. On this journey, I have gained a new family. My family here are the type of people who share the same passion as I, to help 

 the Fair Lawn community. I want to use the knowledge gained in medicine on every call to help better our community. Each call is different. Every time the tone drops and the bay doors open, the outcome is always unpredictable. We walk through peoples’ lives when they are at their most helpless point. They look at us for a helping hand. We consistently depend on the camaraderie of the whole crew.  We all know we can handle any type of call and that we have each other's back. We’re family. I am proud to work with talented individuals that continually shape me into a better person. The EMS field is a higher calling & not the emotion of the dollar. The members here sacrifice their time with family and friends to answer the calls of the community when in need. People always ask why I ride so much, and I say “I don’t see it as another job, I see it as one neighbor helping another.” At the end of the day, the best compliment is a simple “Thank you.” One of the greatest pleasures of being on call is to help the new members hone in on their skills and teach them to become future EMTs. Throughout my journey here at FLVAC, I also have developed into a new person. I have no regrets. I would do the same thing if the opportunity were given to me to go back in time and do it again. I only wished I had joined earlier!This is a chapter in my life that I have filled with many memories, experiences, and relationships. As the pages turn, I hope to keep building on my passions. The journey has only begun. It’s not just an ambulance corps, it's a second home".

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