"I started my EMT career in 1991. My oldest son was a junior in high school and had enrolled in EMT school with a few friends. He asked if I would like to become an EMT and ride with him? I was so excited to have received this invitation from him! I was a nurse and so was able to take a shortened version of the course and he and I started riding in Upper Saddle River in June of 1991. My second son joined us as a fellow EMT in 1994 and the three of us made quite a dynamic crew. I held a number of offices while there and became a life member. In 2007 I moved to Fair
Lawn and at the urging of a neighbor who was a member of the Fair Lawn Corps, I became a probationary member in August of 2007. I have served as a trustee for this organization for a number of years. I have also helped train new members. One of the most challenging jobs is working on the quality assurance committee to make sure our charts are accurate.There are so many benefits of being a member of FLVAC: the opportunity to help and support fellow residents during very vulnerable times; the privilege of helping to guide new members on the path to becoming professional EMTs; the friendships established among our membership.I have been on a medical leave for over a year and can’t wait to get back on the rig".